The Stackd Podcast

Hosted by Kito Mann, Josh Juneau, Daniel Hinojosa and Ian Hlavats
Covering the latest tech news in the enteprise space, from Back-end to Front-end and UI. The Stackd podcast keeps you up to date on the happenings of the Enteprise Development

Stackd 73: Blow your Brains Out

Recorded Date: 31 May 2024 Title: Blow your Brains Out Overview Josh, Kito, and Danno are joined by fellow Java Champion , the maintainer of JReleaser and a Senior Principal Product Manager at Oracle. They discuss new updates to JReleaser, reproducible builds, the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), a new free version of Oracle Database,...

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Stackd 72: Travel, LLMs, Coffee, Avocados, and Almonds

Overview Kito and Danno welcome Edwin Derks, a fellow Java Champion, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE contributor, and Principal Consultant at Team Rockstars IT, as their special guest. They delve into the new Jakarta Data specification, explore the Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE, and discuss integrating JMS with Kafka. The conversation then shifts to the resurgence...

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Stackd 71: Eventually Eventuate

OverviewKito, Josh, Danno are joined by microservices guru, author, and Java Champion Chris Richardson. They discuss spring-boot-testjars, Jakarta EE 11, OpenRewrite, Chris’ Eventuate project, microservice architecture patterns, Kafka, Repanda, AI and software development, the early days of cloud computing and Spring, and much more. About Chris RichardsonChris is a software architect and serial entrepreneur. He...

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Stackd 70: Natural Born Advocate

Kito Mann, Josh Juneau and special guest Grace Jansen, Java Champion and Advisory Developer Advocate at IBM, chat about Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMWare, Jakarta EE 11 and the revamped Jakarta EE tutorial, Lit 3.0, JoinFaces, Liberty Tools for IntelliJ, JetBrains AI Service, Quarks and LangChain4J, and JDK 22. They also pick Grace’s brain about how...

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Stackd 69: Tales from Ken’s Side

Kito, Josh, and Danno are joined byJava Champion, trainer, NFJS speaker and book author Ken Kousen. They discuss Broadcom’s Pivotal acquisition, layoffs, AI regulation, Kotlin Multi-platform Mobile, Structured Concurrency, Angular 17, Next.js Server Actions, Mockito, LangChain4J, Semantic Kernel, AI tools, and much more. About Ken KousenKen is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star, developer, technical...

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Stackd 68: Interview with Jeanne Boyarsky

Guest for today: Jeanne Boyarsky is a Java Champion and has grown from an entry developer to a tech lead. She also volunteers at in her free time. Blog: Author of several Java certification books: Scott – co-author Server Side Java Tools AI/ML Java Platform Picking Jeanne’s Brain Picks Other Pubhouse Network...

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Stackd 67: AI NullPointers

Danno and Kito are back for an engaging chat with two Java Champions, who are co-authors of the Visual Recognition Machine Learning API for Java (JSR #318): Frank Grecko (consultant, enterprise architect, NYJavaSIG chairman), and Zoran Sevarac (AI researcher, creator of Neurograph and CEO and Co-founder of Deep Netts). They dive deep into all things...

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Stackd 66: Streams, Messages, Events, and a Java User Group

Ian, Kito, and Josh are joined by Java Champion, Streaming Developer Advocate at DataStax, and President of Chicago-JUG, Mary Grygleski. They discuss news about Capacitor, Angular, PrimeNG Designer for Tailwind, JetBraiins Compose Multiplatform for iOS, JDK 21, AI developer tools, Jakarta EE 10, and more. Kito announces the work he is doing on the Jakarta...

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Stackd 65: Devnexus, indeed

Danno, Josh and Kito recap the always-amazing Devnexus and a discuss a wide-range of topics, including TypeScript 5, RIFE2, Hilla, OpenJFX, Adobe buying Figma, Quarkus, JakartaEE 11, AWS Application Composer, Rust, Java 20, SBOMs, Kotlin, and more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! Front End Server Side Java News Java Platform Other Picks Other...

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Stackd 64: Beware of the Blue Drink

Recorded Date2/24/2023 OverviewIan, Kito, and Josh are joined by old friends and industry veterans Ed Burns and Reza Rahman, who both work at Microsoft on providing world-class support for Java on #Azure. They reminisce about the old days of JavaServer Faces, the evolution of Java EE to Jakarta EE, discuss Jakarta EE 11, Microsoft’s support...

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Stackd 63: One CLI to Rule them All

We’re back for 2023 with Kito, Danno, and special guest Andres Almiray, Senior Principal Product Manager, Database group, to talk about the latest versions of Andres’ JReleaser tool, building CLIs in Java (picocli, JCommander, JCommander, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Micronaut), jban,, Jarviz, AI, whether or not Java is over the hill, http4s, and much more. We...

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Stackd 62: Make JavaOne Again

OverviewJosh, Kito, Danno, and Ian are back, discussing the first JavaOne in many years, and welcoming special guest Emily Jiang, Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate at IBM. They discuss JavaOne announcements, ways to avoid cold starts in Java, JDK virtual threads with Helidon Níma and Quarkus, Open Liberty, new releases from NetBeans, Eclipse...

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Stackd 61: May the Source be with You

OverviewJosh, Danno and Kito have a lively discussion about their summer activities, Lightbend (makers of Akka) changing to closed source, GraalVM and AWS Lambdas, Quarkus, Jakarta EE 10, JDK 19, NetBeans, Kito’s new SpeakerTrax product, and more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! Controversy Lightbend changed their license from open source to closed source....

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Stackd 60: No Code for You

Max Katz, veteran developer advocate at Okta, joins the whole gang (Josh Juneau, Ian Hlavats, Daniel Hinojosa and Kito Mann) for a wide-ranging discussion about the good ol’ days of Exadel, RichFaces, and JSF, as well as No Code and Low Code solutions like Okta Workflows, Airtable, Webflow and even old-school solutions like Yahoo! Pipes...

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Stackd 59: Holly Cummins, Quarkus, IBM, and the Garage

Kito, Danno, and Josh welcome special guest Holly Cummins, Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Quarkus team at Red Hat and fellow Java Champion, to talk about Quarkus, working at IBM and Red Hat, Kotlin, ktor, contract testing, JHipster, Broadcom buying VMWare, and much more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! UI / Web...

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Stackd 58: Raible Rambles about Life, JHipster, Okta, and more

Danno, Kito, Ian and Josh talk with fellow Java Champion and industry veteran Matt Raible about the good ol’ days of his blog Raible Designs, Java web frameworks, and AppFuse, as well as JHipster, Spring4Shell, Okta, Capacitor, KubeSeal, MicroFrontends, and more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! UI / Web Webpack Module Federation

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Stackd 57: BDD Deep Dive!

Seb Rose and Gaspar Nagy join our hosts Kito Mann, Daniel Hinojosa, Ian Hlavats, and Josh Juneau to dive into behavior-driven testing (BDD). They discuss Seb and Gaspar’s BDD books, as well as Cucumber, SpecFlow, Gherkin, the practical testing pyramid, contract testing, and more! They also share their picks: Brave web browser, #Locust, and #Github...

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Stackd 56: Andres Almiray and JReleaser FTW!

Danno, Kito, and Josh join special guest and fellow Java Champion Andres Almiray to discuss Microprofile, Quarkus, GraalVM, Reload4J, JBang, jib, TOML, and dive deep into JReleaser! UI / Web MP 5.0 (Josh) Server Side JavaQuarkus – Quarkus 2.7.0.Final released – Quarkus CLI maturing, Interactive terminal, Oracle Reactive SQL Client… (Kito, Andres) IDEs and ToolsGraalVM...

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Stackd 55: Welcome 2022! JChampionsConf, Log4Shell, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10 and more!

OverviewIan, Kito, Danno and Josh kick off their first episode of the year with a lively discussion about sessions from jChampionsConf, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10, GraalVM,, AI coding assistants, Log4Shell, and more! jChampions Conf 2022 YouTube Channel CodeQL talk IntelliJ talk Migrating Legacy JavaEE App talk UI / Web Angular 13 Released Death to...

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Stack 54. All things Akka

OverviewKito, Danno, and Josh join special guest Francisco López-Sancho (author of Akka in Action) to discuss all things Akka, as well as Scala 3, JetBrains Fleet, Vaadin, MicroProfile 5, Heiledon, M1 MacBook Pros, and more. UI / WebVaadin 22 – Quarkus Support and Stateless Fusion (Juneau) MicroProfile 5.0 – Soon to be released? Server Side...

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Stackd 53. An interview with Richard Fichtner

Recorded Date 10/23/2021 Title: In this episode, Kito, Ian, Danno and Josh welcome special guest Richard Fichtner, Founder JUG Oberpfalz, CEO of XDev, and one of the organizers of JCON. They discuss #lowcode, running a conference, being CEO, #microstream, #jooq, the future of the #playframework, #rapidclipse, XDEV IDE, #tabnine AI IDE plugin, #jreleaser, #testcontainers, and...

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Stackd 52. Software Architecture: The Hard Parts

Title: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts Description In this episode, Kito, Ian, and Daniel welcome two distinguished guests: Neal Ford (Director, Software Architect, and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWork) and Mark Richards (Independent Hands-on Software Architect, Published Author). They discuss all things related to software architecture, and their new book, Software Architecture: The Hard Parts. In...

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Stackd 51. Covid as the new Normal

Recorded Date 9/3/2021 Description Another great episode with the entire band — Kito, Daniel, Ian, and Josh. They discuss COVID as the new normal, NetBeans, Kotlin, IntelliJ, PrimeBlocks, Java 17 (including Spring’s announcement), Docker requiring subscriptions, and other stuff, too. COVID-19 Virus The new normal? What does that look like for work going forward? Tools...

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Stackd 50. We’re baaack!

Recorded Date 7/23/2021 Description The gang is back for another jam-packed episode! Josh, Kito, Daniel, and Ian catch up and discuss the past year, COVID vaccines as software updates, AI coding tools, JDK 17, Jakarta EE 9.1, PrimeNG, Angular, and much more. COVID-19 Virus Tier Outbreak Dashboard Tools and Tech Github Co-Pilot – License Launderer?...

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Stackd 49. Typescript, Goodbye IE 11, Webcomponents and Apple!

Recorded Date 8/28/2020 Description The gang is back for another jam-packed episode! Josh, Kito, Daniel, and Ian catch up with a quick chat about Zoom fatigue and virtual school, and then dive into news about TypeScript, say goodbye to IE 11, and welcome WebComponents in every browser. We discuss new Java microservice framework releases for...

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Stackd 48. BlackLivesMatter + Releases abound!

On this episode we dive into the Black Lives Matter topic, and see how it affects tech, from racial bias, to terminology. We take a time to discuss and see how technology can hinder (or help) our problems. We also see what’s new in the UI and Server side world! (Angular 10 is ALREADY released),...

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Stackd 47. With Special Guest Cagatay Civici!

We took the time to (virtually) ask Cagatay to join us and talk about COVID Dashboard, Deep Netts platform, and the news that GitHub Acquired NPM! We also take the time to explore some of the Open Source COVID-19 efforts / dashboards and data, seeing how tech can help making sense of the pandemic. We...

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Stackd 46. As we spend time coding! (since we are isolating)

Yep, the crowd have been catching up with their netflix shows, reading cool blogs, and keeping up to date in the Enterprise space! We dive a little into some of the COVID-19 OSS projects out there (for those who want to take a peek and contribute), and then cover the interesting news of Github acquiring...

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Stackd 45. In Isolation and Self-quarantine!

Oh my, staying in isolation is tough! But that didn’t stop the crew of Stackd to record the latest news in the full-stack space! From UI (Angular 9 is released!), to JavaFX 14, and Micronaut 1.3, there has been a lot of new things to play with! Then we follow the crew as we dive...

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Stackd 44. Angular, PrimeVue, State of JS, Quarkus and Jakarta EE

Another stuffed-to-the-gills episode on Stackd! Where Kito, Josh, Dan and Ian talk about the new happenings on the UI (Tons have been happening), and then an update on the Server side of things (With Dropwizard, Quarkus Final Release, and Jakarta EE 9). So don’t miss the new technology drops that are being covered in Stackd....

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Stackd 43. Year end Review!

Kito, Josh, Danno, and Ian are at it again! Covering what’s new in the Full-stack space, including a deep end discussion on Scrum, the interesting Front-end and Vendor Lock-in. An end-of-the-year episode not to be missed! Recorded Date Dec 6th, 2019 UI Tier TypeScript 3.7 Released Angular 8.2.14 Landed (Nov 13) PrimeNG 9.0.0 RC2 (Dec...

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Episode 42. On Primefaces, Jakarta EE, JDK 13, OracleCodeOne and a New Show Name

Primefaces is alive and kicking! now with PrimeTek UI Updates. Working with maps? then hear how Josh uses ArcGIS JS API. Jakarta EE 8 has been released, and it’s compatible with your usual suspects (Payara, Wildfly, OpenLiberty, and Eclipse GlassFish). We discussOracle’s guidance for Jakarta EE 9, and we dive into the pain on javax...

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Episode 41. on Java EE Guardians, Jakarta EE vs Microprofile, JDK 13, and JavaFX.

So first, a big Welcome for the “Enterprise Java Newscast” to joining the “Pub House Network”, a series of podcast and content created by developers for developers. Everyone is happy about the partnership and we can expect Enterprise Java Newscast great content as always. Joining on this episode is a new pundit, but known in...

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Episode 40 – July 2019

We’re back! In this episode, after over a year, Kito Mann returns with co-hosts Daniel Hinojsa, Ian Hlavats, and new co-host Josh Juneau. They discuss Oracle JDK licensing, PrimeFaces, lit-html, Angular, JavaFX, MicroProfile, and more. UI Tier  PrimeFaces 7 Angular 8  lit-html 1.0  Java EE/Jakarta EE Participation Renaming Specs Services (Middleware & Microservices)...

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Episode 39 – Jan 2018

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss their key areas of focus for the New Year, as well as naming for EE4J and Java EE, plus Polymer, PrimeNG, Bootstrap, Arquillian, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Docker, Machine Learning, adoption of Agile practices, and more. UI Tier Polymer Decorators 1.0 Released Polymer 3.0: New year, new preview...

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Episode 38 – Dec 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss microservices, MicroProfile, Java EE, Wildfly, ActiveMQ, KeyCloak, OpenShift, and Docker with special guest Steven Pousty, Head of Developer Advocacy for Red Hat. They also discuss Polymer with TypeScript, Angular 5, Getting Things Done, the Pomodoro Technique, Eclipse Che, and more.   UI Tier PolymerTS 0.2.3 Released Angular...

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Episode 37 – Nov 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss all things Java, Java EE, and JavaOne with special guest JavaOne Rockstar and Java Guardian Reza Rahaman. They also discuss Microprofile, Angular 5, and more. Unfortunately, the video for this podcast was truncated about 1/2 way through the podcast, but if still want to watch it, it...

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Episode 36 – Oct 2017

Due to a variety of circumstances (including the move to Libsyn for hosting), this episode is being posted late. It was originally recorded in September, 2017. In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss the Equifax hack (caused by an unpatched version of Struts), news from the Polymer Summit, Oracle’s donation of Java EE to...

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Episode 35 – Jul 2017

Kito and Danno discuss Google I/O, PWAs, Polymer, Java EE 8, JavaOne, testing, TypeScript, augmented reality, Kotlin, Java 9, and more. UI Tier Google I/O Polymer 2 Progressive Web Apps Java EE Java EE 8 update Platform Java 9 and Jigsaw Original “No” Votes from IBM and Red Hat Misc JavaOne 2017 TypeScript 2.4 –...

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Episode 34 – Apr 2017

Kito and Danno discuss JSF, Polymer, BootsFaces, Java EE 8,, AWS S3 going down, and more. UI Tier PrimeReact 1.0.0-Alpha.1 Released JSF 2.3 Released Getting Started with BootsFaces: a Tutorial webfaces Polymer 2.0 RC1 Java EE 8 Java EE Guardians,, Oracle, etc. Oracle has committed to releasing Java EE 8 by middle of...

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Episode 33 – Mar 2017

After a long hiatus, Kito, Ian, and Danno discuss a variety of topics, including Elm, Angular, JSweet, PrimeNG, Web Components, Polymer, TypeScript, and more. Links Angular 2 released (Sept 2016) Angular 4 planned – What? (Dec 2016) Angular 2.4.5 released (Jan 2017) Angular Universal – Isomorphic JavaScript for Angular 2 PrimeNG 2.0.1 released Polymer 2.0...

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Episode 32 – Mar 2016

A lively discussion with Kito, Daniel, and special guest Java Champion Arun Gupta. They discuss a variety of topics, including Docker, Kubernetes, the future of Java EE, Couchbase, the impact of removing a popular NPM package, health and fitness, and more. Discussion Leaving RedHat for Couchbase Docker and Kubernetes (K8S) Reza Rahman leaves Oracle Google...

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Episode 31 – Feb 2016

Kito, Danno, and special guest Cagatay Civici discuss font-end web development, Angular2, Web Components, PrimeFaces and related projects (Prime Elements, PrimeUI, and PrimeNG), Java EE MVC, Oracle dropping the Java plugin, and Oracle’s commitment to Java EE and the JCP. News / Articles Single Page Applications with BootsFaces Angular2 Please Welcome Siwpas as a Java...

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Episode 30 – Dec 2015

Kito, Daniel, Ian and special guest Venkat Subramaniam discuss a wide variety of topics including JavaOne, Java lambdas, microservices, ES2015’s class syntax, and his new book, Pragmatic Scala (the second edition of Programming Scala). In fact, the discussion was so great that we skipped the new releases! They are, however, included here for your reference....

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Episode 29 – Aug 2015

Kito, Daniel, and Ian discuss the challenges of programming with different languages plus new releases from JBoss, Spring, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, TypeScript, git, WebSphere, and more. They also discuss the rise of TypeScript as a popular alternative to other JavaScript transpiler languages, and the possibility that web assemblies will marginalize JavaScript altogether. UI Tier BootsFaces Mojarra...

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Episode 28 – Jul 2015

Kito and Daniel discuss new releases from PrimeFaces, OpenWebBeans, DeltaSpike, Spring Boot, Polymer, AngularJS, WebAssembly, Play, Lucene, new JSF extensions, and more. They also discuss Microsoft’s open-source strategy and Visual Studio Code. Keep up with the alphabet soup of product names. Check out our technical glossary! UI Tier OmniFaces 2.1 released! New F12 Developer Tools...

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Episode 27 – May 2015

Kito and Daniel are joined by special guest Seb Rose (co-author of The Cucumber for Java Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers). They discuss new releases from Polymer, ICEfaces, PrimeFaces,  JBoss EAP, SonarCube, Pitest, IntelliJ IDEA, Serenity, and more. They also discuss Behavior-driven-testing (BDD), Cucumber, Geb, Spock, and Test-Driven Development (TDD). UI Tier AngularFaces...

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Episode 26 – Mar 2015

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Oracle, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, Hibernate, Spring, Apache, and more. They also discuss AngularJS 2.0’s decision to use TypeScript, Microsoft dropping IE, and testing with Selenium and Geb. Correction: PrimeFaces Sentinel Layout  + Theme pricing is $79 (basic) and $479 (extended); Theme only pricing is $49 / $249. UI...

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Episode 25 – Feb 2015

Kito and Daniel cover new releases from HighFaces, GISFaces, Spring, Java SE/ME, WebSphere, Arquillian, Apache, and more. They also discuss Microsoft’s new Spartan browser and Pivotal’s decision to stop sponsoring Groovy and Grails. UI Tier HighFaces 1.0 GISFaces 1.4 Esprima 2.0 Released Project Avatar Update Microsoft’s new Spartan Browser Persistence Tier Spring XD 1.1 GA...

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Episode 24 – Jan 2015

Kito, Ian, Daniel and Reza cover new Enterprise Java releases, including Jersey, RichFaces, AngularJS, TypeScript, JMS, Akka, Spring, Hibernate OGM, JSF, Scala and more. They also discuss Oracle’s new Alta UI project, as well as Adopt-a-JSR, JavaOne videos, and more. UI Tier Oracle Ulta UI JSON-P 1.1 JSR JSF 2.3 initial milestone Jersey 2.5 RichFaces...

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Episode 23 – Dec 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases of AngularJS, PrimeFaces, MyFaces, Bootstrap, Hadoop, Spring Roo, Tomcat, Arquillian, Spring Framework, Spring Integration, Akka, Solr, Lucene, and more. They also discuss the forking of Node.js, microservices vs app servers, and a recent blog post about why you shouldn’t use JSF. UI Tier RichFaces 4.5.1.Final released MyFaces Core...

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Episode 22 – October 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss JavaOne, JSF, web frameworks, mobile development, Internet of Things, and new JBoss, Apache, PrimeFaces, Spring, MySQL, and TypeSafe releases. UI Tier JavaOne Update: Kito’s JSF sessions When the PrimeFaces Bootstrap Theme Isn’t Enough What’s Next for JSF? eBay, Connecting Buyers and Sellers Globally via JavaServer Faces JavaOne Update: JavaOne...

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Episode 21 – Aug 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel change up the format to involve more discussion. They discuss the new Java EE JSRs (JSF, JMS, Servlet, CDI, Java API for JSON Binding, etc.) plus entirely new proposals such as MVC and Java API for JSON Binding. Other topics include RichFaces, PrimeFaces, Apache TomEE, Delta Spike, QUnit, Angular.js. Hibernate OGM,...

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Episode 20 – May 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss new releases from Spring, JBoss, ICEsoft, PrimeFaces, Apache, IBM, and TypeSafe. They also discuss build tools, the future of JSF, Daniel’s languagematrix project, and the Mojarra web site. Daniel’s project: language-matrix: Code snippets to do useful things for 11 languages: C, C++, Groovy, Ruby, Java, Scala, Python, Haskell, Javascript, Lisp,...

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Episode 19 – Mar 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Spring, MyFaces, TypeSafe, JBoss, Oracle, and Apache. They also discuss the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar, the state of JavaServer Faces, Angular.js, Eclipse, and more. New Releases Spring Spring Data “Codd” release train released Spring Data Couchbase 1.0 GA Released Spring AMQP 1.3.0 Release Candidate Available Spring Data Redis...

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Episode 18 – Jan 2014

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Spring, MyFaces, ICEsoft, JBoss, Oracle, and Apache. They also discuss responsive design, the Java EE 8 survey, and James Gosling’s Oracle Report Card. New Releases Spring Announcing Spring Framework 4.0 GA Release The Spring Framework 4.1 plan – and 4.0.1 & 3.2.7 releases coming up next week...

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Episode 17 – Nov 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Spring, PrimeFaces, ICEsoft, JBoss, IBM, Oracle, Apache, and TypeSafe. They also discuss Oracle’s decision to drop support for GlassFish, and RebelLabs’ Decision Maker’s Guide to Java Web Frameworks. Sorry to post this so late! Apparently moving and getting a podcast up don’t mix… New Releases Spring News...

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Episode 16 – Jul 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEsoft, JBoss, IBM, Oracle, and TypeSafe. They also try out recording the newscast using Google Hangouts instead of Skype. New Releases   Spring News Spring-AMQP 1.2.0 Release Candidate is Now Available! Spring Social Facebook 1.0.3 Released Spring XD 1.0 Milestone 1 Released SPRING BATCH 2.2.0.RELEASE...

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Episode 15 – May 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Apache, PrimeFaces, SpringSource, ICEsoft, JBoss, IBM, Oracle, Google, and more. They also discuss the new Google Android IDE and SpringSource’s new Reactor asynchronous framework. New Releases PrimeFaces PrimeFaces Themes 1.0.10 Released PrimeFaces 3.5.3 Released Responsive Interportlet Communication PrimeFaces Mobile 0.9.4 Released PrimeFaces 3.4.5 released PrimeFaces Extensions 0.7...

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Episode 14 – Apr 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from Oracle, IBM, SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, NetBeans, eXo Platform, and more. They also discuss coud IDEs and RESTful web framework benchmarks. New Releases   Spring News Spring Integration 2.2.3 is Now Available Rest.js 0.9 Released When.js 2.0 is now available SPRING DATA REST 1.1.0.M1 RELEASED Spring-AMQP...

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Episode 13 – Feb 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, Eclipse, and TypeSafe. They also discuss a report that claims using Spring lowers code quality, “stateless” JSF views, and Java security FUD. New Releases Spring Spring Integration Releases   SPRING INTEGRATION 2.2.1 AND 2.1.5 RELEASED SPRING INTEGRATION 3.0.0 MILESTONE 1 IS RELEASED!...

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Episode 12 – Dec 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, and Liferay. They also discuss the pros and cons of the new Spring Migration Analyzer, as well as Getting Things Done and Pomodoro Technique. New Releases Spring News Spring Framework 3.2 goes GA Introducing Spring Scala Spring Security 3.2.0.M1 Released Spring Social...

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Episode 11 – Oct 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss new releases from JBoss, SpringSource, MyFaces, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, JSFToolbox, and Oracle, plus highlights from JavaOne and JSF performance improvements. New Releases JBoss AS is being renamed SwitchYard 0.6 Beta1 is Available HornetQ is literally buzzing – 2.3.0.Beta Released RHQ 4.5.1 released Portlet Bridge 3.1.0.Beta2 Released ModeShape 3.0.0.CR1 is available First...

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Episode 10 – Aug 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Spring Tools Suite, JBoss Developer Studio, Spring Data, Hibernate, Arquillian, Rod Johnson leaving SpringSource, Java developer shortages, and more. New Releases PrimeFaces Twitter Bootstrap Theme PrimeFaces Mobile Roadmap Update Spring Shell 1.0 M1 released Spring Security 3.1.1 Released   Spring GemFire 1.1.2 has been released! Spring Data release...

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Episode 9 – Jul 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss JAXConf/JSF Summit 2012, Java 8, WebSphere Liberty Profile, Arquillian, and new releases from MyFaces, Spring, JBoss, ICEfaces, RichFaces, Tomcat, and more. New Releases ICEfaces 3.1.0.RC1 now available   MyFaces Core 2.1.8 released   MyFaces Core 2.0.14 released   Myfaces Tomahawk 1.1.13 Released   PrimeFaces 3.4 Trailer revealed   New PrimeFaces...

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Episode 8 – May 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss JDK 8, LiferayFaces, the new Jenkins repository, and new releases of ICEfaces, MyFaces, Weld, Ceylon, ModeShape, Arquillian, Akka, NetBeans, and several Spring products. Comment from Cagatay Civici (PrimeFaces lead) about our last newscast: “We are not moving away from jQuery in favor of custom javascript, we just write our own...

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Episode 7 – Mar 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel the PrimeFaces / ICEfaces controversy, JSF 2.2, and new releases of MyFaces, Mojarra, ICEfaces, PrettyFaces, DeltaSpike, JBoss EAP, Hibernate, IronJacamer Spring Roo, IBM WebSphere, Liferay, MyBatis for Scala, and more. New Releases MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.4 – Release Notes MyFaces Core 2.1.6  – Release Notes MyFaces Core 2.0.12 – Release Notes...

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Episode 6 – Dec 2011

Kito, Ian, and new co-host Daniel discuss the new DeltaSpike CDI project, plus new releases of PrimeFaces, MyFaces, ICEfaces, Spring, Hibernate, RichFaces, Mojarra, Seam, Artifactory, JRebel, and more. NOTE: In the podcast, Kito mentions “Jason Lee Rubinger.” He should have said “Andrew Lee Rubinger.” Our apologies. NOTE: In the previous newscast we gave the impression...

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Episode 5 (Part 2) – Oct 2011

This month’s newscast is broken into two parts. Part 1 discusses highlights from JavaOne.  This is Part 2, which covers the latest news and product updates from the past couple of months. New Releases ICEfaces 2.1 Beta now available PrimeFaces in JavaOne PrimeFaces 3.0.M3 Released MyFaces Core 2.1.3 Release MyFaces Core 2.0.9 Release MyFaces Extensions...

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Episode 5 (Part 1) – Oct 2011

This month’s newscast is broken into two parts. This is Part 1, which discusses highlights from JavaOne. Part 2 covers the latest news and product updates from the past couple of months. JavaOne / Oracle OpenWorld 2011 Oracle Previews NetBeans IDE 7.1: Delivers Support for JavaFX 2.0 JavaFX 2.0 released JavaFX 2.0 Arrives and...

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Episode 4 – Sep 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development. JAX / JSF Summit 2011 JAX / JSF Summit 2011 Blog Kito’s higlights: JSF 2 Ninja Workshop Mergerspeak site CDI and Seam...

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Episode 3 – Jun 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development. New Releases Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.1.0 – HTML format – ASF JIRA Release Notes – MyFaces Core –...

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Episode 2 – Apr 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development. New Releases ICEfaces 2.0.1 now available In Relation To…  RichFaces 4.0.0.Final Released!! Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 0.9.4 – HTML...

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Episode 1 – Feb 2011

This is the first episode of the JSF and Java EE newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats. This monthly newscast covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development. General Hudson/Jenkins Hudson’s future (original blog post about the split) Oracle responds to Jenkins fork JSFToolbox...

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