Josh, Kito, Danno, and Ian are back, discussing the first JavaOne in many years, and welcoming special guest Emily Jiang, Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate at IBM. They discuss JavaOne announcements, ways to avoid cold starts in Java, JDK virtual threads with Helidon Níma and Quarkus, Open Liberty, new releases from NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ, Microprofile, Jakarta EE, Angular 15, Kito’s SpeakerTrax project, and much more.
We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast!
JavaOne Recap
- GraalVM JIT and native image to be included with OpenJDK
- Liberty InstantOn using Linux CRIU (https://openliberty.io/blog/2022/09/29/instant-on-beta.html)
- Oracle will create JavaFX builds
- Java SE Subscription Enterprise Performance Pack, a drop-in replacement for JDK 8 with JDK 17 (https://blogs.oracle.com/java/post/introducing-the-java-se-subscription-enterprise-performance-pack)
- Generational ZGC (https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8272979)
- Announcing Java Management Service (https://blogs.oracle.com/java/post/announcing-java-management-service)
- JavaOne Content Feed (https://inside.java/javaone/)
- JavaOne Keynotes and Select Sessions on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX8CzqL3ArzU2i-ogxRAHYIZ8du6GwZyu)
- Angular v15 is now available! (https://blog.angular.io/angular-v15-is-now-available-df7be7f2f4c8)
Server Side Java
- Please welcome.. Helidon Níma (https://medium.com/helidon/please-welcome-helidon-n%C3%ADma-9a882c5b6f1e)
- Virtual threads and what it means for servers (do we really need reactive programming models anymore)?
- Quarkus Virtual Threads (https://quarkus.io/guides/virtual-threads)
- Starting Quarkus 3 (https://quarkus.io/blog/road-to-quarkus-3/)
- Open Liberty (https://openliberty.io/)
IDEs and Tools
- NetBeans 16 Release Candidate Stage (now released) (https://netbeans.apache.org/download/nb16/index.html)
- Intellij 2022.3 (https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2022/11/intellij-idea-2022-3-beta/)
- Eclipse IDE 2022-09 (https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2022-09)
Java Platform
- Java: Developing smaller Docker images with jdeps and jlink | by Joe Honour | Level Up Coding (https://levelup.gitconnected.com/java-developing-smaller-docker-images-with-jdeps-and-jlink-d4278718c550)
Emily Jiang
- Java Champion & Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate at IBM
- Microprofile specs: MicroProfile Config, Fault Tolerance
- Jakarta EE specs: Jakarta Config, Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection (CDI), Jakarta Interceptors
- Books:
Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile | Packt (https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Cloud-Native-Java-Development-MicroProfile/dp/1801078807)
97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know Book
- Kito’s new speaker profile powered by SpeakerTrax: https://kitomann.com
- Twitter demolition (https://twitter.com/CCSewell/status/1592257949971673088)
- InterPlanetary File System (https://ipfs.tech/)
- Webcomponents.dev (Kito) https://webcomponents.dev/
- Podman Desktop is Released (Josh) https://podman-desktop.io/
- Run everywhere! (Emily)
- Github CoPilot (Ian) https://github.com/features/copilot
- Mastodon (Danno) https://joinmastodon.org/
Other Pubhouse Network podcasts (do not remove)
- Breaking into Open Source (https://www.pubhouse.net/breaking-into-open-source)
- OffHeap (https://www.javaoffheap.com/)
- Java Pubhouse (https://www.javapubhouse.com/)
- Codemash – Jan 12-15 Sandusky, OH, USA (https://codemash.org/)
- jChampions Conf – January 2023, Online (https://jchampionsconf.com/)
- DevNexus 2023 – April 4-6 2023, Atlanta, GA, USA (https://devnexus.com/call-for-papers)
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