Episode 29. On SpringOne, EE4J, and Oh, gosh, we just lost Net Neutrality!

So we got our crew reporting on SpringOne and what has happened over there (IBM is working “very” closely with Pivotal!). Then we discuss a little of EE4J (the notes from Mike Milinkovich), to then dive into something affecting everyone that lives (or works with) the US. Yes, we are talking deep about Net Neutrality and how can it change the dynamics on how we work and what we do! So take a listen, an important episode for sure


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Episode 26. On Projects that take 10 years, and let’s dive into diversity

Whew, it has been an intense month for IT in general! We dive in our updates (as we are nearing JavaOne), and check on Java 9, Spring 5 and Java EE. After that we dive into IBM’s delayed project (and it’s owning of 78 million back to the state). We would be remiss if we didn’t talk about the hot topic which is of diversity and tolerance in IT (and touch upon the Google’s employee manifesto and Charlottesville). In all an episode full of opinion, emotions and interesting sides worth listening to.

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Episode 3. Of Obama, Copyrights, about Typesafe Names, the JCP and its Process, and some Birthday Beer!

So as soon as we clicked the Record button, there were news of the Obama administration asking the Supreme Court to not take the Oracle V Google case. That’s news. Like big news. We discussed, and left you a nicely typed doc in the shownotes to forward to your congressional representative. Also, someone (Typesafe) is going to the Secretary-of-state and asking for a Name-Change form, just that they are not sure what to fill in just yet. Then we take a skip into the new things happening in the JCP, talk about what works, what can be improved and we end with sharing the story of a language that just happen to turn 20 this past month!
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