Month: August 2015

Episode 5. Tales from China, brought to us by Josh Long, What is cloud native, and what’s in sun.misc.unsafe anyways

This podcast is special because we have of first guest, Josh Long! @starbuxman. Hailing us on Skype, he talks to us about what’s going on with Java within the great Wall of China. We also dive into being Cloud-ready, and what does it mean to remove Unsafe from Java 9

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 29 – Aug 2015

Kito, Daniel, and Ian discuss the challenges of programming with different languages plus new releases from JBoss, Spring, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, TypeScript, git, WebSphere, and more. They also discuss the rise of TypeScript as a popular alternative to other JavaScript transpiler languages, and the possibility that web assemblies will marginalize JavaScript altogether.

UI Tier


Mojarra 2.03 Milestone 2

Apache Wicket v7.0 Released

Microsoft joins the Web Components world

Part 1

Part 2

Geb 0.12.0 released

PrimeFaces Signature Component

PrimeFaces 5.2.9 Elite Released

PrimeFaces Rio 2.0 and Modena 1.0.1 Released

PrimeFaces 5.3 Roadmap Update

RichFaces 4.5.7 Released

TypeScript 1.5 Released

Persistence Tier

Hibernate Validator 5.2.1.Final*

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.3 released

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Spring Framework 4.2 goes GA

Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 released

Spring XD 1.2.1 Released

Spring Security 4.0.2 Released

Spring Boot 1.2.5 released

Liferay Collaborates with Red Hat to Deliver Integrated Open Source Technologies  

Keycloak 1.4.0.Final released

Amazon Aurora Announced

WildFly 9.0.1.Final and 8.2.1.Final are released.

Apache Jena 3.0.0 released

WAS Liberty beta with tools (August 2015)


Apache Groovy 2.4.4-incubating

Git 2.5.0 Released

JDK 1.8.0u51 Release Notes


Rise of TypeScript

WebAssembly: a binary format for the web

WebAssembly on GitHub


JavaZone – Oslo, Norway – September 9-10, 2015

No Fluff Just Stuff