Episode 40. Oh What a Year…Hystrix is gone, Eclipse can now do specs, and we just toast for 2018.

That’s it folks, we say goodbye to an interesting 2018, where we look back at release trains (we started on Java 9, now we are at 11), mergers (Microsoft + Github, and IBM + Redhat) and past conferences (JavaOne is no more).

And after that we put our gipsy hats and gaze into the future. Will the Train Release keep delivering? And is the OpenJDK in risk of fragmenting (more)? We speculate and keep the punditry going for the last closer of an episode.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Episode 33. Oracle vs Google, US Vs Microsoft, and now you can keep your salary a secret

We start this podcast swinging, looking like a 80’s boxing series, we are in round 5 of Oracle vs Google (we just offer a small update). Then we dive into a new California ruling that’s taking the tech world by storm (Wage history cannot be used to discriminate against minorities), and lastly we land into US vs Microsoft, which dropped their lawsuit because of the recently passed CLOUD act…Not a good thing. So take a listen as we dive into all of these topics while introducing a new pundit (Janine Patterson) to the group!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap


Episode 12. It’s our Bday! with tons of news on Lagoms And bending Lights, and Big Blue, a new M$, and Big Red!

There has been a re-christening! Typesafe is no more, and now is Lightbend! And it comes with a new Microservice Framework Lagom.

Also in other news, IBM both announces layoffs, and also comes back and sues groupon for infringing on its patents. What could it all mean?

And Microsoft building Sql Server on Linux? Xamarin acquired by Microsoft? This is a very different Microsoft now! What gives?

Oracle lost another evangelist. Reza Rahman, the Java Evangelist for Glassfish and Java EE left! Is Oracle cutting back on their Java EE Investment? Or even in their Java investment?

Don’t forget to tell your friends and co-workers about our podcast. Help us grow so that we can bring even more cool content up!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 2. Tales of Microsoft, JavaScript as Bytecode, Java as the new Cobol, and of Orphaned Groovy/Grail Kids!

Ooof, we start this podcast with the news that Microsoft is coming to our turf and is introducing their core .net libraries for Mac and Linux. We then dive into this theory of JS being the Bytecode of the web (Java Webstart, you tried). Then we got called “old”, as in Cobol old (getoffmyLawn!) to finally talk about Groovy, Grails and what does it mean when a project loses its “home”. Always entertaining, with a lot of opinions abound!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Links and such.

– The Java Council, the “Other” Java Newscast 😉 (http://virtualjug.com/podcast/)

– Microsoft releases .net core for Mac/Linux (http://venturebeat.com/2015/04/29/microsoft-releases-net-core-preview-for-mac-and-linux/)

– Grails finds home at Object Computing (http://www.infoworld.com/article/2909679/java/grails-web-framework-finds-home-at-object-computing.html)