Episode 35. A bug in Java 9 and 10? Oh noes, Serializable is out! And now Microsoft took over GitHub. Lastly, EE Spec docs are not being transferred! (Now what?)

Oh my, there are so much news going on. Starting with a weird string concat bug in Java 9 and 10. We also see that Serializable is going to be removed (and hopefully there is an alternative for it), and we also dive into the ethics of Google as it turns down military contracts they are uncomfortable with. We also see Mission Control being open sourced and explore what that means (an opportunity for growth or a death knell for the product?).

Lastly we dive into a bit of a news where Oracle will retain the description of the EE specs and not transfer it to the Eclipse Foundation. What does that mean for Jakarta? All this and more in the full-to-the-brim episode!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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