Episode 4 – Sep 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development.

JAX / JSF Summit 2011

Kito’s higlights:

  • JSF 2 Ninja Workshop
  • Mergerspeak site
  • CDI and Seam Faces realize the full potential of JSF (Brian Leathem)
  • Case Study: Functional Programming in Scala with CDI (Daniel Hinojosa)
  • Mobile Ajax Push with ICEfaces 2.0 (Ted Goddard)
  • The Future of Java (Rod Johnson)
  • Web vs. Apps (Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer)
  • Riot Games party

Ian’s highlights:

  • PrimeFaces session
  • JVM Performance Tuning
  • JBoss booth
  • ICEfaces booth
  • Virtua booth 🙂
  • Free food / beer
  • Riot Games party

JAX Innovation Awards New Releases

Java 7

Rich Client Faces 1.2.1

PrimeFaces 3.0.M2 Unleashed

Hibernate OGM (Object/Grid Mapper)

Release Notes – MyFaces Tomahawk – Version 1.1.11 – HTML format

Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 1.0.0

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.1.1

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.0.7

Errai 1.3 Beta

Mule Query Language

GlassFish 3.1.1 has been released! Java 7 inside

WebSphere Application Server 8

Hibernate Core 3.6.6.Final Release

Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Beta5

Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final

Announcing IronJacamar 1.0.0

Weld 1.1.2Final Released

JBoss AS 7

Why is JBoss AS 7 so fast?

JBoss EAP 6 Early Access

Infinispan 5.0.0.FINAL

ModeShape 2.6.0.Beta2

HermesJMS 1.1.4


Bean Validation 1.1 has started: join us

New beanvalidation.org site

First edition of Oracle’s Java Magazine

Ex-Sun Employees and CumuLogic Launch PaaS Beta  

Wesley Hayes joins the RichFaces team

In U.S. Smartphone Market, Android is Top Operating System, Apple is Top Manufacturer

RIM to Offer Android Applications this Summer

Enterprise Tool News

Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)

ICEfaces Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) IDE integrations now available

Eclipse 3.8M1 Brings Java7 Support  

JBoss Tools 3.3 M2

JBoss Developer Studio 5 Early Access

IBM Rational Application Developer 8

Genuitec joins the Rebellion! JRebel for MyEclipse released.

JIRA 4.4 Announced

JProfiler 7.0

Artifactory 2.3.4

JXInsight/OpenCore 6.2 Released


InfoQ article: Is it difficult to write REST clients?

REST API best practices (Atlassian/Bamboo)

Getting started with RichFaces 4.0 Push

Better ajax operations and callbacks in JSF with PrimeFaces

RichFaces Mobile Design: Day1, Day 2, Day 3

Multi-Templating with JSF 2 : The Story  

The Top 5 New Features in eXo Cloud IDE

Lightning fast portlet development with JRebel  


Episode 3 – Jun 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development.

New Releases

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.1.0 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.0.6 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 0.9.5 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Hibernate Core 3.6.4.Final

Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Alpha3 release

Object User Interface Mapper (OIM): Metawidget v1.15

ICEfaces EE 2.0.0.GA now available

ICEfaces 2.0.2 now available


Terracotta bought by Software AG

ASF Drops Concurrent Sessions on Tomcat 7 by 95% with New Crawler Valve

JRockit is Now Free

Oracle Introduces New Java Specification Requests to Evolve Java Community Process

Microsoft buys Skype

Google open sources WebRTC

Updating Java EE in Production: A Report in Three Acts Including a Foreword and an Afterword

JBoss World News

Red Hat Offers Early Access to Next-Generation Java EE 6 Platform

Red Hat Delivers the Platform-as-a-Service Cloud for Open Source Developers

Red Hat Introduces JBoss Enterprise Data Grid

Enterprise Tool News

TeamCity 6.5: Enhanced Integration with Git & Mercurial, .NET Improvements

dynaTrace AJAX Edition 3.1 released

LiveRebel 1.0 Released

JRebel 4.0 Releases


Gavin King’s Introduction to Celyon series

JDK 8 Java Module-System Requirements ? DRAFT 12


Episode 2 – Apr 2011

The JSF and Java EE Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development.

New Releases

ICEfaces 2.0.1 now available

In Relation To…  RichFaces 4.0.0.Final Released!!

Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 0.9.4 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI – Myfaces CODI

Release Notes – MyFaces Test – Version 1.0.2 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

MyFaces Test Project – Myfaces Test Framework

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 1.1.9 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

MyFaces Core JSF-1.1 – Myfaces Core 1.1

Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 0.9.3 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI – Myfaces CODI

JSF Overview – Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI – Apache Software Foundation  

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 1.2.10 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

MyFaces Core JSF-1.2 – Myfaces Core 1.2

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.0.4 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

MyFaces Core JSF-2.0 – Myfaces Core 2.0

Release Notes – MyFaces Extensions Scripting – Version 1.0-Final

Apache MyFaces Extensions Scripting 1.0 (temporary page)

PrimeFaces 3.0M1

Mojarra 2.1.1 Release Notes — What?s New

GlassFish Server 3.1 Final ? Java.net

Release Notes – JBoss Application Server – Version 7.0.0.Beta2 – HTML format – JBoss Issue Tracker

IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.0 Beta – Overview

In Relation To…  Hibernate Search 3.4.0.CR2

In Relation To…  Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Alpha2 Release

In Relation To…  Weld 1.1.1.Final

In Relation To…  Hibernate Core 3.6.3 Release

In Relation To…  Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Beta2

Infinispan 5.0 Beta released

In Relation To…  CDI 1.1

In Relation To…  Seam 3.0.0.Final Released

Arquillian: Arquillian 1.0.0 Alpha5 – Released – JBoss Community


Announcing CDISource | Andy Gibson

CDI JEE6 Pojo Advocacy

Red Hat Closes in on $1 Billion in Revenue – InternetNews.com

Call for Membership on the JSF 2.2 JCP Expert Group

ADF Faces now in Eclipse (Shay Shmeltzer’s Weblog)

James Gosling joins Google

Enterprise Tool News

MyEclipse for Spring 9.0: JSF/Primefaces and Spring Scaffolding

NetBeans 7.0 is now available


Raible Designs | Upgrading to JSF 2


Episode 1 – Feb 2011

This is the first episode of the JSF and Java EE newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann and Ian Hlavats. This monthly newscast covers the latest headlines in the world of JavaServer Faces and Enterprise Java development.


  • Hudson/Jenkins

JSF 2 Component Suites

  • ICEfaces 2.0 (Dec 21st)
  • Final version expected in March


  • Demos work in JBoss 6
  • Pete Muir stepping down as project lead