Episode 38 – Dec 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss microservices, MicroProfile, Java EE, Wildfly, ActiveMQ, KeyCloak, OpenShift, and Docker with special guest Steven Pousty, Head of Developer Advocacy for Red Hat. They also discuss Polymer with TypeScript, Angular 5, Getting Things Done, the Pomodoro Technique, Eclipse Che, and more.


UI Tier

PolymerTS 0.2.3 Released

Angular 5 Released

Java EE

Wildfly 11 Released

RestEasy 4.0.0.Beta1 Released

Spring Security 5.0.0 Released


Persistence Tier

Hibernate 5.0.0

Services (Middleware & Microservices)

Google Cloud moving to Java 8!


The problem we are all looking at with the new “support model” for the JDK:



Questions for Steven:

  • How long have been in your new role
  • What is your Java/middleware experience
  • Tell us your perspective on microprofile.io
  • How about EE4J
  • What is the advantage of Wildfly/JBoss domain mode now that containerization exists (e.g. multiple standalone hosts on Docker for example with same configuration in mod_cluster environment)?
  • Docker swarm vs. Kubernetes – what are the differences/benefits?
  • What are the most popular open source projects at Red Hat these days?
  • What some of your favorite projects at Red Hat right now
  • Coming from Kubernetes land can you tell us some more about containers
  • What are you most excited about right now – it’s an awesome time to be a Java developer. Actually may be the best time EVER.
  • What areas does OpenShift actually cover? (i.e. how does it compare to AWS, Google Cloud Services, Azure, etc.)

Other topics:


(Any product, tool, etc. that you really like; doesn’t have to be related to programming)

Getting Things Done (GTD)

Eclipse Che and are we ready to move to Web Based IDEs

LocationTech and OSGEO – you too should do geospatial

IDEA 2017.3 Released

Emett – efficient way of writing HTML in editors

Pomodoro Technique



Snow Camp – Jan 24th – 27th 2018, Alps, France

ng-europe – Feb 1-2nd, 2018, Paris, France

Devnexus – Feb 21st-23rd, 2018, Atlanta, GA, US

RiveriaDev – May 16-18, 2018, French Riviera, France

No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 37 – Nov 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss all things Java, Java EE, and JavaOne with special guest JavaOne Rockstar and Java Guardian Reza Rahaman. They also discuss Microprofile, Angular 5, and more.

Unfortunately, the video for this podcast was truncated about 1/2 way through the podcast, but if still want to watch it, it is available on YouTube.

UI Tier

PrimeNG 5.0RC0 Released

Node.js 8.9.0 released

Angular 5 released

Persistence Tier



Kafka 1.0 Released

Docker 17.10.0-ce  released

JavaOne and JavaEE

Java EE 8 Released

EE4J Announcement

Eclipse Microprofile 1.2 Released

Strong support for Java SE

Open Sourcing the commercial features of JVM

IBM open sourced WebSphere Liberty Edition

IBM open sourced its JVM

Microsoft introduced Azure Functions with Java support

Oracle introduced Fn (Functional Development Kit) with Java support

Key topics: Java 9, Microservices, AI/Machine Learning, Chatbots, etc.


  • 6-month release cycles for Java

Other JavaOne Presentations on YouTube!


ng-europe – Feb 1-2nd, 2018, Paris, France

Devnexus – Feb 21st-23rd, 2018, Atlanta, GA, US

No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 36 – Oct 2017

Due to a variety of circumstances (including the move to Libsyn for hosting), this episode is being posted late. It was originally recorded in September, 2017.

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss the Equifax hack (caused by an unpatched version of Struts), news from the Polymer Summit, Oracle’s donation of Java EE to Eclipse, Docker in-depth, and more.

UI Tier

Equifax hack: Using Struts and they did not patch.

Polymer 3 Announced – Move to NPM and ES6

Ionic releases Stencil – Web Components Compiler

PrimeReact 1.0.0-Final Released

Java EE

Oracle donates Java EE to Eclipse Foundation

Microprofile.io – Standard for Java EE-based microservices

Vavr.io – functional library for Java 8/9 



  • First impressions
    • Key concepts: containers, images, volumes, networks, stacks, swarm, nodes
    • Docker CE vs EE
    • Cost savings, efficiency, ease of use
  • Tools, tools, tools (compose, docker-machine, docker CLI, Docker for Mac, Kitematic, Docker Cloud, Docker Hub, orchestration tools (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm), IDE integration (Eclipse Docker support, Webstorm Docker tooling)
  • Deploying docker in the cloud (EC2, MS Azure, DigitalOcean)
  • Docker for developers
    • Dockerfile, base images, installing Java, database, web server, stacks, compose files, local swarm
  • Docker in production
    • Scaling a service, private Docker registry (on Nexus), swarm mode
  • Docker gotchas
    • Persistent data in the cloud
    • Swarm mode overlay networking
    • Development environment host VM cache
    • Zombie processes (TINI)
  • Docker releases
    • Current stable: 17.07.0-ce
    • Edge channel


  • Nozbe – task management


No Fluff Just Stuff



Episode 35 – Jul 2017

Kito and Danno discuss Google I/O, PWAs, Polymer, Java EE 8, JavaOne, testing, TypeScript, augmented reality, Kotlin, Java 9, and more.

UI Tier

Google I/O

Polymer 2

Progressive Web Apps

Java EE

Java EE 8 update


Java 9 and Jigsaw


JavaOne 2017

TypeScript 2.4 – breaking backwards compatibility

Kotlin now supported for Android


ARKit — potential of augmented reality

Idris – Haskellish language



No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 25. On Java EE, a toast for Java.net (RIP), on React (JS), and MVCs

Oh boy, so we dive into this episode figuring out what’s going on with Java EE 8 (and 9), pay our respects to java.net (it’s now decommissioned), dive into Kotlin (this one seems to stick), and then discuss how JS is not as wild-west as it used to be (and some MVC pattern disagreements). In all, entertaining, and interesting podcast.


DO follow us on twitter @offheap


Episode 34 – Apr 2017

Kito and Danno discuss JSF, Polymer, BootsFaces, Java EE 8, microprofile.io, AWS S3 going down, and more.

UI Tier

PrimeReact 1.0.0-Alpha.1 Released

JSF 2.3 Released

Getting Started with BootsFaces: a Tutorial


Polymer 2.0 RC1

Java EE 8

Persistence Tier

Discussion: What’s the new actual database for enterprise now anyway?

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Docker! How cool is this stuff?

Docker 1.13 released


Java 9 to be released soon

Pirates of the JVM

IBM WebSphere architect apologizes


  • AWS S3 went down. Including many services. What aren’t people doing right?
  • What are people most interested in at NFJS conferences?


  • Yoink
  • Zoom in/zoom out w/Keyboard on Mac (Command-Option-8)

Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 23. object.finalize() is deprecated! Privacy issues w/your ISP, and MicroServices are still in the news!

So Deprecation is getting serious! Nobody should be using object.finalize(), and if you are, shame on you! This deprecation will have some bite! Also, we just heard the rumours. If you use an Internet Service Provider in the US, that means they can sell all the information about you (yikes!). Lastly, there has been a new MicroServices survey out there and we want to take a look and see what’s shaking (and who is shaking) the ever-evolving microservices world.

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 33 – Mar 2017

After a long hiatus, Kito, Ian, and Danno discuss a variety of topics, including Elm, Angular, JSweet, PrimeNG, Web Components, Polymer, TypeScript, and more.


Angular 2 released (Sept 2016)

Angular 4 planned – What? (Dec 2016)

Angular 2.4.5 released (Jan 2017)

Angular Universal – Isomorphic JavaScript for Angular 2

PrimeNG 2.0.1 released

Polymer 2.0 Preview



JSF 2.3 in public review

Webfaces —  integration between JSF and Web Components

Writing Angular apps with Java and JSweet


Episode 21. Java 9 is coming! And we’re leaving things behind (also, does US immigration affect Devs, and how?)

Ah, well, it has been promised, and it WILL be delivered. Java 9 is feature complete! And we start taking a look at what is (http/2 finally?), and more importantly, what was cut-off from the release. We also did dive into what does it means when developers can’t migrate to the US. Is it good for our industry? Or is it meh, as people just telecommute? And as long as we’re talking policy we touched on Net Neutrality since it might be an issue this year. Do we have to say goodbye to those millions and millions of undeterred bit streams?
We’re going to be doing a live performance at DevNexus!. If you happen to go in Feb, come and join us there!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap



Episode 18. We’re back from J1! And Brough Reza Rahman to talk about the Big Reveal on Java EE 8

It was a great JavaOne, full of news and mystery. Netbeans becomes part of Apache (or at least it’s on its way to be), and Oracle finally revealed what their big plan is for Java EE 8 (and asking about 9)! Do we hang up the “Mission Accomplished” banner? Did the Guardians did it? Come join us as we talk with Reza on what this new state of affairs mean for Java EE, the JCP, The Guardians, and Microprofile.io (and yes! @mminella has been unblocked!)

And don’t forget to fill in the surveys!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap