Episode 13 – Feb 2013

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, Eclipse, and TypeSafe. They also discuss a report that claims using Spring lowers code quality, “stateless” JSF views, and Java security FUD.

New Releases Spring

Spring Integration Releases


Other Spring Releases

Spring – Discussion


New components:



Other news:

ICEfaces News

Enterprise Tools

Apache News

JBoss News


Scala News


Discussion: Is Java Secure? Will FUD Kill the Java Enterprise?

Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 12 – Dec 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, and Liferay. They also discuss the pros and cons of the new Spring Migration Analyzer, as well as Getting Things Done and Pomodoro Technique.

New Releases Spring News

Spring Framework 3.2 goes GA

Introducing Spring Scala

Spring Security 3.2.0.M1 Released

Spring Social Yammer 1.0.0 Released

Spring for Android 1.0.1 Released

Cloud Foundry Maven Plug-in version 1.0.0.M4 Released

Spring Migration Analyzer

PrimeFaces News

PrimeUI 0.4 Released Featuring Lightbox  – Background on PrimeUI

PrimeFaces vs PrimeFaces PRO

Custom Content in Menubar

PrimeUI 0.3 Released

PrimeUI Panel Widget

ICEfaces News

ICEfaces 3.2.0 released (Nov 2)

ICEmobile 1.2 released (Dec 12)

Apache News

MyFaces Core v2.1.10 Release

MyFaces Core v2.0.16 Release

Apache Tomcat 7.0.34 released

Release of Apache MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.6 and 2.0.6

Apache Rave 0.18 release

Apache Syncope 1.0.4  

Apache Nutch 1.6 Released

Apache TomEE

JBoss News

Hibernate ORM 4.1.9.Final Released

Teiid 8.3 Alpha1 Posted

TorqueBox 2.2.0 Released

GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Final Release

Weld 2.0.0.Beta1

Byteman 2.1.2 has been released

Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.Alpha2 and 4.3.1.Final

IronJacamar 1.1.0.Beta3 is out

jBPM Designer 2.4.0.Final released!

Bean Validation 1.1 Beta 2 is out

HornetQ Beta2 Released

ModeShape 3.0.1.Final is available

Overlord: Milestone 2 of their Business Activity Monitoring tooling, including a screencast of some of the new features

Overlord: Savara 2.1 Milestone 2, enhancing the support for SwitchYard java service simulation.

Arquillian Transaction Extension 1.0.0.Alpha2, extracting the JTA transaction support into a separate module

Arquillian Container Weld 1.0.0.CR5

Teiid Admin Web Console 1.0 CR1, a new GWT based administrative console for Teiid

SwitchYard 0.6 Beta 2

JBoss TS 4.17.2.Final

Portlet Bridge 3.1.0.Final

From the Drools team: first public release of UberFire, a web based workbench forming the basis of their consoles


Announcement: Liferay Faces 3.1.1-ga2 Released


Java EE 7 Community Survey Results

Enterprise Tool News

JBoss Tools 4 Beta and JBoss Developer Studio 6 Beta

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.2.0.M1 released  

Events No Fuff Just Stuff

Episode 11 – Oct 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss new releases from JBoss, SpringSource, MyFaces, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, JSFToolbox, and Oracle, plus highlights from JavaOne and JSF performance improvements.

New Releases

JBoss AS is being renamed

SwitchYard 0.6 Beta1 is Available

HornetQ is literally buzzing – 2.3.0.Beta Released

RHQ 4.5.1 released

Portlet Bridge 3.1.0.Beta2 Released

ModeShape 3.0.0.CR1 is available

First Beta of Hibernate OGM with Infinispan, Ehcache and MongoDB support

Errai 2.1.0.Final

Teiid 8.2 Alpha2 Released

Drools 5.5.0.Beta1 released

TorqueBox 2.1.2 Released

Seam 2.3.0.Final was released today

JBoss Tools 4 Alpha Release

PrimeFaces 3.4 released

PrimeFaces 4.0 announced

PrimeFaces may be moving to GitHub

ICEfaces EE 3.0.0 GA Patch 1 released

ICEmobile-Faces EE 1.0.0.GA_P01 released






MyFaces Core 2.1.9

MyFaces Core 2.0.15

Mojarra Released

Enterprise Tool News


JBoss Developer Studio 6.0 Early Access released

JSFToolbox for Dreamweaver 4.1 released


Typesafe Appoints Rod Johnson to Board of Directors



Stateless JSF – high performance, zero per request memory overhead

Why does the JSF website look like the project is dead?

JSF and Java EE Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 10 – Aug 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Spring Tools Suite, JBoss Developer Studio, Spring Data, Hibernate, Arquillian, Rod Johnson leaving SpringSource, Java developer shortages, and more.

New Releases

PrimeFaces Twitter Bootstrap Theme

PrimeFaces Mobile Roadmap Update

Spring Shell 1.0 M1 released

Spring Security 3.1.1 Released  

Spring GemFire 1.1.2 has been released!

Spring Data release train reaches RC station

Spring AMQP 1.1.2 Released

Spring Security OAuth 1.0.0.RC2 released

WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit Version 3.5

ICEmobile 1.1 Final now available

ICEmobile-SX 1.1 on the App Store

ICEfaces 3.1 Released

The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Deltacloud™ v1.0

Conventions Framework 0.9.6

JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.1.0.Alpha1 Released – RichFaces 4 Component support!

RedHat SwitchYard to replace JBoss ESB

SwitchYard 0.5 Final Released

JBoss Teiid 8.1 released

RichFaces 4.3.0.M1 Release Announcement

Hibernate ORM 4.16.Final Release

Byteman 2.1.0 has been released

Arquillian Transaction Extension 1.0.0.Alpha1 Released

Arquillian Spring Framework Extension 1.0.0.Beta1 Released

ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta3 is available

BoxGrinder 0.10.3 Released

AeroGear 1.0.0.M5 released

aerogear controller 1.0.0.Alpha is out!

HornetQ 2.3.0 Alpha released

Enterprise Tool News

JBoss Developer Studio 5 released

Spring Tool Suite (STS) and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.0.0 releases


Java developer hardest job to fill, says survey

Rod Johnson leaves SpringSource

Cumulogic launches Java PaaS – will it shake up the field?

JSR 355 Final Release, and moves JCP to version 2.9

Typesafe Raises $14M Series B To Fuel Growth


Understanding JSF 2 and Wicket: Performance Comparison


JSF and Java EE Events No Fluff Just Stuff


Episode 9 – Jul 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss JAXConf/JSF Summit 2012, Java 8, WebSphere Liberty Profile, Arquillian, and new releases from MyFaces, Spring, JBoss, ICEfaces, RichFaces, Tomcat, and more.

New Releases

ICEfaces 3.1.0.RC1 now available  

MyFaces Core 2.1.8 released  

MyFaces Core 2.0.14 released  

Myfaces Tomahawk 1.1.13 Released  

PrimeFaces 3.4 Trailer revealed  

New PrimeFaces component – closeable inline message  

Atmosphere creator Jean-Francois Arcand joins PrimeFaces Push team 

PrimeFaces Tools for Dreamweaver released  

Hibernate ORM 4.15 with SP1 Released   

Arquillian Warp extension 1.0.0.Alpha1 released  

Arquillian Spring Framework Extension 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released   

Arquillian TestRunner Spock 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released  

Weld 2.0.0.Alpha3  

JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.CR1 Released  

JGroups 3.0.11 and 3.1.0 released  

Spring Framework 3.1.2 Released  

Spring Security 3.1.1 Released  

RichFaces 4.2.2 released  

WebSphere Application Server V8.5  including Liberty Profile Released 

RAD V8.5 and WDT V8.5 have landed!  

Apache Tomcat 7.0.29 released  

Apache Geronimo 3.0.0 brings in Java 7 support  

Enterprise Tool News

JSFToolbox 4.0 for Dreamweaver  

Spring Tool Suite & Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.0.0.M3 released

Oracle Introduces NetBeans IDE 7.2  


JAXConf 2012

IBM’s Tracy Hutcheson: Mobile Innovation and Challenges  

JAXconf Community Night – Crockford lauds JavaScript, Raspberry Pi coolness

JAXconf Keynotes – Hickey analyses the value of Value, Humble on Continuous Delivery

JAX Innovation Awards – Winners Revealed!!  

Speaker Summit


Oracle scales back plans for Java 8  

Project Jigsaw delayed until Java 9 – The Reaction  

JSF and Java EE Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 8 – May 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel discuss JDK 8, LiferayFaces, the new Jenkins repository, and new releases of ICEfaces, MyFaces, Weld, Ceylon, ModeShape, Arquillian, Akka, NetBeans, and several Spring products.

Comment from Cagatay Civici (PrimeFaces lead) about our last newscast:

“We are not moving away from jQuery in favor of custom javascript, we just write our own jQuery powered widgets designed with JSF in mind. For PF 3 we are actually avoiding 3rd party jQuery plugins like jQuery ui dialog, autocomplete, tabs and similar because PF 2 experience helped me to realize that although using 3rd party work is good to quickly come up with components, they extremely limit you in long term.”  

New Releases

ICEfaces EE 3.0.0.GA now available

ICEmobile-Faces EE 1.0.0.GA now available

ICEfaces 3.0.1 now available

Myfaces Tomahawk 1.1.12 Released

Myfaces Orchestra Core 1.5 Released

MyFaces Core 2.1.7 Released

MyFaces Core 2.0.13 Released

MyFaces Core 1.2.12 Released  

MyFaces Core 1.1.10 Released

MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.5 Released

Weld 1.1.7.Final Released

Weld 2.0.0.Alpha2 released

Hibernate Validator 4.3.0.Beta1

Hibernate ORM 4.1.2 Release

Hibernate Search 4.1.0.Final – conditional indexing and more

Second official release of Ceylon

AeroGear 1.0.0.M2 Released! More Mobile Goodness

ModeShape 2.8.1.Final is available

ModeShape 3.0.0.Alpha3 is available

Arquillian 1.0.0 Final Ready for GlassFish and WebLogic

Arquillian Extension Jacoco 1.0.0.Alpha3 Released

Infinispan 5.1.4.FINAL is out now!

GridGain 4.0 Now Available

Hazelcast 2.0 Released with Off-Heap Storage and

Distributed Backups

Spring Mobile 1.0.0.RC2 Available

Spring Data REST 1.0.0.M1 Released

Spring Integration 2.1.1 Released

SpringSource Releases Version 1.0 Of Cloud Foundry Eclipse Plugin

Akka 2.0.1 Released!

Enterprise Tool News

NetBeans IDE 7.1.2 Available for Download

Jenkins CI and JFrog Announce Joint Artifact Repository Solution in the Cloud


PortletFaces becomes LiferayFaces

MyFaces ExtScripting site officially launched – http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions/scripting/

JDK 8 Milestone and Release Dates

JSF and Java EE Events

Episode 7 – Mar 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel the PrimeFaces / ICEfaces controversy, JSF 2.2, and new releases of MyFaces, Mojarra, ICEfaces, PrettyFaces, DeltaSpike, JBoss EAP, Hibernate, IronJacamer Spring Roo, IBM WebSphere, Liferay, MyBatis for Scala, and more.

New Releases

MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.4 – Release Notes

MyFaces Core 2.1.6  – Release Notes

MyFaces Core 2.0.12 – Release Notes

Mojarra 2.1.7 – Release Notes

Mojarra 2.0.9 – Release Notes

ICEfaces 3.0 now available

ICEsoft releases ICEmobile-faces 1.0

PrimeFaces 3.2 Final Released

PrimeFaces Mobile 0.9.2 Released

PrimeFaces Extensions 0.4.0 Released

PrettyFaces 3.3.3 Released

Apache DeltaSpike 0.1 Released – Release Notes

JBoss EAP and Developer Studio 6.0 Beta Released

Hibernate ORM 4.1.0 has just been released.

Hibernate Search 4.1.0.Beta1: improve Infinispan Query mapping

IronJacamar 1.1.0.Alpha5 is out

Spring Roo 1.2.1.RELEASE available

Spring Integration 2.1 is now GA

IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 Beta 3  

Liferay Portal 6.1 Enterprise Edition

MyBatis for Scala 1.0 beta1 Released


Upcoming release: JSF 2.2 and HTML5

ICEfaces 3.0 uses some PrimeFaces 2.x code

Enterprise Tool News

JSF and Java EE Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 6 – Dec 2011

Kito, Ian, and new co-host Daniel discuss the new DeltaSpike CDI project, plus new releases of PrimeFaces, MyFaces, ICEfaces, Spring, Hibernate, RichFaces, Mojarra, Seam, Artifactory, JRebel, and more.

NOTE: In the podcast, Kito mentions “Jason Lee Rubinger.” He should have said “Andrew Lee Rubinger.” Our apologies.

NOTE: In the previous newscast we gave the impression that MyFaces CODI was a CDI implementation. It’s certainly not — it’s a set of CDI extensions that run on top of a CDI implementation such as Weld or OpenWebBeans.

New Releases

iText 5.1.3 — XML Worker 1.1.1 | Javalobby

JFX Flow | Zen Java

ICEfaces 2.1.0 Beta 2 Release Notes – ICEfaces – ICEfaces.org Community Wiki

Oracle Announces Availability of Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

JMS Browser 2.5 just released!

Sonar 2.11 released | Javalobby

Apache Tomcat 7.0.23 Release | TomcatExpert

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.0.10 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 2.1.4 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Release Notes – MyFaces Core – Version 1.2.11 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

Release Notes – MyFaces CODI – Version 1.0.2 – HTML format – ASF JIRA

LucidWorks 2.0 Solr Development Platform Now Available! | Javalobby

In Relation To…  JBoss Seam 3.1.0.CR1 Released

In Relation To…  Hibernate Core 4.0.0.CR7 Release

In Relation To…  IronJacamar 1.1.0.Alpha4 is out

In Relation To…  A new @Special(izes) Weld 1.1.4.Final release

In Relation To…  Seam Spring 3.1.0.Alpha1 released

In Relation To…  Hibernate Search 4.0.0.CR2

In Relation To…  Hibernate Core 3.6.8.Final Release

PrimeFaces Mobile 0.9 is Released

PrimeFaces 3.0.M4 Released

JBoss AS 7.1.0.Beta1 “Tesla” released – My Wiki – Planet JBoss Community

TorqueBox v2.0.0.beta1 Released – The TorqueBox Project – Planet JBoss Community

Arquillian – Google+ – Arquillian Core 1.0.0.CR6 Released What is Arquillian? …

Arquillian – Google+ – Arquillian Drone 1.0.0.CR3 Released What’s new in this…

Arquillian – Google+ – Arquillian Jacoco 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released What’s new in this…

Arquillian – Google+ – Arquillian openWebBeans Container 1.0.0.CR2 Released

Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Beta (12.1.1)

RichFaces 4.1.0.CR2 Release Announcement  

GateIn Portal 3.2.0 Beta01 Released! – GateIn – Planet JBoss Community

Mojarra 2.1.4 Release Notes — Release Notes

Spring 3.1.0.RC2 Released | SpringSource.org

Spring Roo 1.2.0.RC1 released | SpringSource Team Blog


In Relation To…  Seam.Next Announcement

DeltaSpikeProposal – Incubator Wiki

Focus on Seam 2.3.0 – Marek Novotny’s Blog – Planet JBoss Community

JSR-000335 Lambda Expressions for the JavaTM Programming Language – Early Draft Review

javax.batch : new “Batch” JSR (The Aquarium)

JSF 2.2 Early Draft Review Available | Java.net

Enterprise Tool News

VisualVM 1.3.3 Released | Javalobby Oxygen XML Editor, Oxygen XML Author and Oxygen XML Developer 13.1 | Javalobby JFrog is pleased to announce the availability of Artifactory 2.4! | Javalobby NetBeans IDE 7.1 Release Candidate 1 Information TestMaker 6.1 adds Flex 4, Applet, More Reports   JRebel 4.5.3 Released | zeroturnaround.com SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8.1 released | SpringSource.org


Episode 5 (Part 2) – Oct 2011

This month’s newscast is broken into two parts. Part 1 discusses highlights from JavaOne.  This is Part 2, which covers the latest news and product updates from the past couple of months.

New Releases

ICEfaces 2.1 Beta now available

PrimeFaces in JavaOne

PrimeFaces 3.0.M3 Released

MyFaces Core 2.1.3 Release

MyFaces Core 2.0.9 Release

MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.1 Released

Myfaces Test 1.0.4 Release

Seam 2.3.0.ALPHA released

Tattletale 1.2.0.Beta1

Cassandra 1.0 Released

Hibernate Core 4.0.0.CR4 Release

Hibernate Search 4.0.0 CR1

Errai 1.3.0.GA

Snowdrop 2.0.0.Final released

Infinispan 5.1.0 Beta2 is out  

Arquillian Ajocado 1.0.0.CR2

JBoss Seam 3.1.0.Beta3 Released

IronJacamar 1.1.0.Alpha2 is out

JBoss AS 7.0.2 “Arc” released!  

WebSphere Application Server V8.0 Fix Pack 1

Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0.M1 Released

Spring Data Redis 1.0.0.RC1 Released

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8.0 Released

Spring Data JDBC Extensions with Oracle Database Support 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Spring Integration 2.1 M2 Released

Spring Framework 3.1 RC1 released

Apache Tomcat 7.0.22 release

Spring GemFire 1.1.0M3 Released


Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.1 early draft submitted

Seam.Next Update

Websockets and Java EE

Java Productivity Report 2011: India vs Rest of World    

Enterprise Tool News

Atlassian Buys Mac Client For Git And Mercurial SourceTree


Java Tech Journal: Java Web Frameworks!

Building JSF 2.0 composite components based on JavaFX with NetBeans

An Introduction to OpenFaces, Part 2 – DataTable and TreeTable
