Freddy Guime

Stackd 44. Angular, PrimeVue, State of JS, Quarkus and Jakarta EE

Another stuffed-to-the-gills episode on Stackd! Where Kito, Josh, Dan and Ian talk about the new happenings on the UI (Tons have been happening), and then an update on the Server side of things (With Dropwizard, Quarkus Final Release, and Jakarta EE 9). So don’t miss the new technology drops that are being covered in Stackd. Stay and Listen!

Recorded Date

Jan 31st, 2020

UI Tier 

Server Side Java

Java Platform

      Functional Libraries




  • Devnexus  – Atlanta, GA –  Feb 19th-21st, 2020
  • – Bloomfield, CO – Mar 24-27, 2020
  • Philly Emerging Tech – April 14-15, 2020
  • NFJS
    • Madison February 28 – 29, 2020
    • Minneapolis March 6 – 8, 2020
    • Boston – March 13 – 15, 2020
    • St. Louis – April 3 – 4, 2020

Episode 2. On Maven Central Releases and Arquillian

Are you looking to release something to maven central or work on a project that does? This episode Bob is looking to cover release related plugins for open source projects to keeping your code going out the door early and often.

How are you writing your unit tests for enterprise applications? Are they built into your Maven build process? The Arquillian framework provides the ability to create a test harness and bind it to the Maven build. In this segment, we will take a look at Arquillian and how it can be used to test our Java EE applications.

DataDog Logo

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

Episode 1. Let’s break into Microprofile!

This session will dive into the MicroProfile project, which was started by a collaboration of vendors in an attempt to standardize an approach for developing Microservices using Java EE technologies. You will see a brief overview if the project initiatives, and you will learn different ways that you can join in to begin contributing to this open source effort. In this session, we will also cover the basics of becoming an Eclipse committer so that you can become involved in the MicroProfile project.

The second part of the session will focus on the implementation side of Microprofile with Apache Tomee. The session will cover what’s in Apache Tomee currently from Microprofile. Running examples and finding opportunities to contribute to the implementation side of Microprofile.

Thanks again everyone who joined!

Apache Tomee Site –

Apache Tomee Dev List –

Apache Tomee Github Src –

Apache Tomee Contribution Tips –

Apache Geronimo MicroProfile site –

Apache Geronimo Dev List –

Apache Geronimo MP sources (github) –

Episode 42. On Primefaces, Jakarta EE, JDK 13, OracleCodeOne and a New Show Name

Primefaces is alive and kicking! now with PrimeTek UI Updates. Working with maps? then hear how Josh uses ArcGIS JS API.

Jakarta EE 8 has been released, and it’s compatible with your usual suspects (Payara, Wildfly, OpenLiberty, and Eclipse GlassFish). We discussOracle’s guidance for Jakarta EE 9, and we dive into the pain on javax namespace change coming up. Lastly we dive into the new JEPs targeted for JDK 14, including Valhalla and talked of new proposals like Sealed Types. We also talk about opinions on Oracle Code One, including GraalVM coverage.

Another great episode to keep abreast of the whole front-end and back-end, with “Stackd”!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

UI Tier

Java EE/Jakarta EE


New OpenJDK Project

Project Lanai’s aim to implement a new graphics rendering pipeline for MacOS. Announcing the Duke Choice Awards Winners The seven winners of the Duke Choice Awards are:

  • jUnit (Developer Productivity Recognition)
  • JavaBin (Ecosystem Enablement Recognition)
  • CarePay (Healthcare Innovation Recognition)
  • Jakarta EE (Open Source Contribution Recognition)
  • Dataverse (University/Higher Education Recognition)
  • Chris Thalinger (Community Recognition)
  • Denver Java User Group: (Developer Learning Recognition)


  • Devoxx Belgium Nov 4-8 – Antwerp, Belgium
  • RVA.js – Nov 15, Richmond, VA
  • NFJS
    • Reston November 1 – 3, 2019
    • Seattle November 8 – 10, 2019
    • Progressive Web Experience December 1 – 4, 2019
    • TechLeader Summit December 4 – 6, 2019
    • ArchConf December 9 – 12, 2019
    • Devnexus – Feb 19-21, 2019

    Related Podcasts

  • Java Pub House
  • Java Off-Heap

Episode 41. on Java EE Guardians, Jakarta EE vs Microprofile, JDK 13, and JavaFX.

So first, a big Welcome for the “Enterprise Java Newscast” to joining the “Pub House Network”, a series of podcast and content created by developers for developers. Everyone is happy about the partnership and we can expect Enterprise Java Newscast great content as always.

Joining on this episode is a new pundit, but known in the Java OffHeap podcast world and proud Java EE Guardian, Josh Juneau! Both Kito and Josh waste no time discussing Jakarta EE, Guardians, Microprofile and what it all means for Enterprise Java. We also dive into new platform releases (JDK 13 is out, and JDK 14 is EA).

In all a great episode as we kickstart a new season. Stay tuned and subscribe!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

UI Tier

Java EE/Jakarta EE



  • JavaFX 11.0.4 – Will be Released to Gluon JavaFX 11 LTS Customers soon
  • Other: Flutter




Related Podcasts

Episode 40 – July 2019

We’re back! In this episode, after over a year, Kito Mann returns with co-hosts Daniel Hinojsa, Ian Hlavats, and new co-host Josh Juneau. They discuss Oracle JDK licensing, PrimeFaces, lit-html, Angular, JavaFX, MicroProfile, and more.

UI Tier 

Java EE/Jakarta EE

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier 






Episode 39 – Jan 2018

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss their key areas of focus for the New Year, as well as naming for EE4J and Java EE, plus Polymer, PrimeNG, Bootstrap, Arquillian, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Docker, Machine Learning, adoption of Agile practices, and more.

UI Tier

Polymer Decorators 1.0 Released

Polymer 3.0: New year, new preview

OmniFaces 3.0 Released

PrimeNG 5.2.0-RC1 Released

PrimeFaces EL Security Vulnerability

Bootstrap 4 Released

TypeScript 2.7.0 Released

Java EE

Joint Community Open Letter on Java EE Naming and Packaging (KM)

EE4J: Current Status and What’s Next

Arquillian Core 1.2.1.Final Released

Persistence Tier

Hibernate Picked as Project of the Month on Sourceforge

New Hibernate Community Forum

Hibernate 5.9.0CR1 Released

Services (Middleware & Microservices)

Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.3.0.RC1 Released


Cortex Graphical AI Interface

Machine Learning Guide Podcasts


(Any product, tool, etc. that you really like; doesn’t have to be related to programming)


State of Scrum Report 2017-2018

This Week in Tech (TWiT)

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu Mini


ng-europe – Feb 1-2nd, 2018, Paris, France

Devnexus – Feb 21st-23rd, 2018, Atlanta, GA, US

ng-conf – April 18th-20th, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Great Indian Developer Summit (GIDS) – April 24-27th, 2018, Bangalore, India

RiveriaDev – May 16-18, 2018, French Riviera, France

No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 38 – Dec 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss microservices, MicroProfile, Java EE, Wildfly, ActiveMQ, KeyCloak, OpenShift, and Docker with special guest Steven Pousty, Head of Developer Advocacy for Red Hat. They also discuss Polymer with TypeScript, Angular 5, Getting Things Done, the Pomodoro Technique, Eclipse Che, and more.


UI Tier

PolymerTS 0.2.3 Released

Angular 5 Released

Java EE

Wildfly 11 Released

RestEasy 4.0.0.Beta1 Released

Spring Security 5.0.0 Released


Persistence Tier

Hibernate 5.0.0

Services (Middleware & Microservices)

Google Cloud moving to Java 8!


The problem we are all looking at with the new “support model” for the JDK:


Questions for Steven:

  • How long have been in your new role
  • What is your Java/middleware experience
  • Tell us your perspective on
  • How about EE4J
  • What is the advantage of Wildfly/JBoss domain mode now that containerization exists (e.g. multiple standalone hosts on Docker for example with same configuration in mod_cluster environment)?
  • Docker swarm vs. Kubernetes – what are the differences/benefits?
  • What are the most popular open source projects at Red Hat these days?
  • What some of your favorite projects at Red Hat right now
  • Coming from Kubernetes land can you tell us some more about containers
  • What are you most excited about right now – it’s an awesome time to be a Java developer. Actually may be the best time EVER.
  • What areas does OpenShift actually cover? (i.e. how does it compare to AWS, Google Cloud Services, Azure, etc.)

Other topics:


(Any product, tool, etc. that you really like; doesn’t have to be related to programming)

Getting Things Done (GTD)

Eclipse Che and are we ready to move to Web Based IDEs

LocationTech and OSGEO – you too should do geospatial

IDEA 2017.3 Released

Emett – efficient way of writing HTML in editors

Pomodoro Technique



Snow Camp – Jan 24th – 27th 2018, Alps, France

ng-europe – Feb 1-2nd, 2018, Paris, France

Devnexus – Feb 21st-23rd, 2018, Atlanta, GA, US

RiveriaDev – May 16-18, 2018, French Riviera, France

No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 37 – Nov 2017

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss all things Java, Java EE, and JavaOne with special guest JavaOne Rockstar and Java Guardian Reza Rahaman. They also discuss Microprofile, Angular 5, and more.

Unfortunately, the video for this podcast was truncated about 1/2 way through the podcast, but if still want to watch it, it is available on YouTube.

UI Tier

PrimeNG 5.0RC0 Released

Node.js 8.9.0 released

Angular 5 released

Persistence Tier



Kafka 1.0 Released

Docker 17.10.0-ce  released

JavaOne and JavaEE

Java EE 8 Released

EE4J Announcement

Eclipse Microprofile 1.2 Released

Strong support for Java SE

Open Sourcing the commercial features of JVM

IBM open sourced WebSphere Liberty Edition

IBM open sourced its JVM

Microsoft introduced Azure Functions with Java support

Oracle introduced Fn (Functional Development Kit) with Java support

Key topics: Java 9, Microservices, AI/Machine Learning, Chatbots, etc.


  • 6-month release cycles for Java

Other JavaOne Presentations on YouTube!


ng-europe – Feb 1-2nd, 2018, Paris, France

Devnexus – Feb 21st-23rd, 2018, Atlanta, GA, US

No Fluff Just Stuff