Freddy Guime

Episode 36 – Oct 2017

Due to a variety of circumstances (including the move to Libsyn for hosting), this episode is being posted late. It was originally recorded in September, 2017.

In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss the Equifax hack (caused by an unpatched version of Struts), news from the Polymer Summit, Oracle’s donation of Java EE to Eclipse, Docker in-depth, and more.

UI Tier

Equifax hack: Using Struts and they did not patch.

Polymer 3 Announced – Move to NPM and ES6

Ionic releases Stencil – Web Components Compiler

PrimeReact 1.0.0-Final Released

Java EE

Oracle donates Java EE to Eclipse Foundation – Standard for Java EE-based microservices – functional library for Java 8/9 



  • First impressions
    • Key concepts: containers, images, volumes, networks, stacks, swarm, nodes
    • Docker CE vs EE
    • Cost savings, efficiency, ease of use
  • Tools, tools, tools (compose, docker-machine, docker CLI, Docker for Mac, Kitematic, Docker Cloud, Docker Hub, orchestration tools (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm), IDE integration (Eclipse Docker support, Webstorm Docker tooling)
  • Deploying docker in the cloud (EC2, MS Azure, DigitalOcean)
  • Docker for developers
    • Dockerfile, base images, installing Java, database, web server, stacks, compose files, local swarm
  • Docker in production
    • Scaling a service, private Docker registry (on Nexus), swarm mode
  • Docker gotchas
    • Persistent data in the cloud
    • Swarm mode overlay networking
    • Development environment host VM cache
    • Zombie processes (TINI)
  • Docker releases
    • Current stable: 17.07.0-ce
    • Edge channel


  • Nozbe – task management


No Fluff Just Stuff



Episode 35 – Jul 2017

Kito and Danno discuss Google I/O, PWAs, Polymer, Java EE 8, JavaOne, testing, TypeScript, augmented reality, Kotlin, Java 9, and more.

UI Tier

Google I/O

Polymer 2

Progressive Web Apps

Java EE

Java EE 8 update


Java 9 and Jigsaw


JavaOne 2017

TypeScript 2.4 – breaking backwards compatibility

Kotlin now supported for Android


ARKit — potential of augmented reality

Idris – Haskellish language



No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 34 – Apr 2017

Kito and Danno discuss JSF, Polymer, BootsFaces, Java EE 8,, AWS S3 going down, and more.

UI Tier

PrimeReact 1.0.0-Alpha.1 Released

JSF 2.3 Released

Getting Started with BootsFaces: a Tutorial


Polymer 2.0 RC1

Java EE 8

Persistence Tier

Discussion: What’s the new actual database for enterprise now anyway?

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Docker! How cool is this stuff?

Docker 1.13 released


Java 9 to be released soon

Pirates of the JVM

IBM WebSphere architect apologizes


  • AWS S3 went down. Including many services. What aren’t people doing right?
  • What are people most interested in at NFJS conferences?


  • Yoink
  • Zoom in/zoom out w/Keyboard on Mac (Command-Option-8)

Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 33 – Mar 2017

After a long hiatus, Kito, Ian, and Danno discuss a variety of topics, including Elm, Angular, JSweet, PrimeNG, Web Components, Polymer, TypeScript, and more.


Angular 2 released (Sept 2016)

Angular 4 planned – What? (Dec 2016)

Angular 2.4.5 released (Jan 2017)

Angular Universal – Isomorphic JavaScript for Angular 2

PrimeNG 2.0.1 released

Polymer 2.0 Preview



JSF 2.3 in public review

Webfaces —  integration between JSF and Web Components

Writing Angular apps with Java and JSweet


Episode 32 – Mar 2016

A lively discussion with Kito, Daniel, and special guest Java Champion Arun Gupta. They discuss a variety of topics, including Docker, Kubernetes, the future of Java EE, Couchbase, the impact of removing a popular NPM package, health and fitness, and more.


Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 31 – Feb 2016

Kito, Danno, and special guest Cagatay Civici discuss font-end web development, Angular2, Web Components, PrimeFaces and related projects (Prime Elements, PrimeUI, and PrimeNG), Java EE MVC, Oracle dropping the Java plugin, and Oracle’s commitment to Java EE and the JCP.

News / Articles

Single Page Applications with BootsFaces


Please Welcome Siwpas as a Java EE Certified Option

Latest Java 9 News

Proposed Schedule Change for Java 9


  • Java EE MVC – does anyone care about old-school server “MVC” frameworks anymore?
  • Does Oracle still care about Java EE?
  • Oracle drops Java plugin

Events No Fluff Just Stuff

Links from Cagatay

Other links – Fresh info about web components and related technologies

Hacking HTML5 Web Components and Polymer course in London

Episode 30 – Dec 2015

Kito, Daniel, Ian and special guest Venkat Subramaniam discuss a wide variety of topics including JavaOne, Java lambdas, microservices, ES2015’s class syntax, and his new book, Pragmatic Scala (the second edition of Programming Scala). In fact, the discussion was so great that we skipped the new releases! They are, however, included here for your reference.

UI Tier


JSR 378: Portlet 3.0 Bridge for JavaServerTM Faces 2.2 Specification

X-tags Released with Microsoft Backing

PrimeFaces Elite 5.3.2 Released

PrimeFaces Elite 5.2.15 Released

PrimeTek Partners with T2 Software

Extensions Project Joins PrimeFaces

ICEfaces 4.0

AngularJS 2.x – Developer Preview Blog

RichFaces 4.5.11.Final Released

Persistence Tier

Hibernate Search 5.5.1.Final

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Apache Karaf – Version 4.0.3

Beta: WAS Liberty beta with tools (December 2015)

Plants by WebSphere example application

Arquillian Liferay 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released

HTTP/2 With JBoss EAP 7 – Tech Preview

Arquillian OSGi 2.1.0.Final Released

Immutant 2.1.1 Release

Liferay 7 Alpha 3

Introducing the Launchpad Project (Developer Preview)

eXo Platform 4.2.1 Enterprise released

WebLogic Now Java EE 7 Compatible!


Arquillian Droidium 1.0.1.Final Released


Arquillian Recorder 1.1.0.Final Released


Microsoft open-sources Visual Studio Code, launches free Visual Studio Dev Essentials program

JavaOne Recap

Events No Fluff Just Stuff

A few links added by Venkat:

Episode 29 – Aug 2015

Kito, Daniel, and Ian discuss the challenges of programming with different languages plus new releases from JBoss, Spring, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, TypeScript, git, WebSphere, and more. They also discuss the rise of TypeScript as a popular alternative to other JavaScript transpiler languages, and the possibility that web assemblies will marginalize JavaScript altogether.

UI Tier


Mojarra 2.03 Milestone 2

Apache Wicket v7.0 Released

Microsoft joins the Web Components world

Part 1

Part 2

Geb 0.12.0 released

PrimeFaces Signature Component

PrimeFaces 5.2.9 Elite Released

PrimeFaces Rio 2.0 and Modena 1.0.1 Released

PrimeFaces 5.3 Roadmap Update

RichFaces 4.5.7 Released

TypeScript 1.5 Released

Persistence Tier

Hibernate Validator 5.2.1.Final*

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.3 released

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Spring Framework 4.2 goes GA

Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 released

Spring XD 1.2.1 Released

Spring Security 4.0.2 Released

Spring Boot 1.2.5 released

Liferay Collaborates with Red Hat to Deliver Integrated Open Source Technologies  

Keycloak 1.4.0.Final released

Amazon Aurora Announced

WildFly 9.0.1.Final and 8.2.1.Final are released.

Apache Jena 3.0.0 released

WAS Liberty beta with tools (August 2015)


Apache Groovy 2.4.4-incubating

Git 2.5.0 Released

JDK 1.8.0u51 Release Notes


Rise of TypeScript

WebAssembly: a binary format for the web

WebAssembly on GitHub


JavaZone – Oslo, Norway – September 9-10, 2015

No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 28 – Jul 2015

Kito and Daniel discuss new releases from PrimeFaces, OpenWebBeans, DeltaSpike, Spring Boot, Polymer, AngularJS, WebAssembly, Play, Lucene, new JSF extensions, and more. They also discuss Microsoft’s open-source strategy and Visual Studio Code.

Keep up with the alphabet soup of product names. Check out our technical glossary!

UI Tier

OmniFaces 2.1 released!

New F12 Developer Tools for the New Microsoft Edge

Liferay Faces Project News – May 2015

AngularJS + CDI = AngularBeans

Web framework: Introducing Juzu version 1.0 and its brand new website

Apache Tobago 2.0.8 Release

Polymer 1.0

PrimeFaces introduces Rio theme and layout

New Releases for PrimeFaces Layouts

PrimeUI 2.0 Released

Recent Ripple of JSF Extensions

JSR 378: Portlet 3.0 Bridge for JavaServerTM Faces 2.2 Specification

WebAssembly: A Universal Binary and Text Format for the Web

Play 2.4.0 “Damiya” released, adds new DI support and test APIs

Persistence Tier

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Lucene 5.2.0 released

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

Oracle Developer Cloud Service 15.2.2 Released

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 GA released

[ANN] End of life for Apache Tomcat 6.0.x

[ANNOUNCEMENT] HttpComponents Client 4.5 GA Released

[ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenWebBeans 1.6.0

[ANNOUNCE] Release of Apache DeltaSpike 1.4.0

Apache Allura 1.3.0 released

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Flume 1.6.0 released

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Calcite 1.3.0 (incubating) released

[ANNOUNCE] Commons Email version 1.4 released



Spring Boot 1.2.4 released

Spring Social 1.1.2 Released

JBoss Fuse 6.2 is out!

Infinispan 7.2.3.Final


JavaEE or Spring? Neither! We Call Out For a Fresh Competitor!

Visual Studio Code, and Microsoft OSS will it affect Java Enterprise ?

MS fork of NodeJS


No Fluff Just Stuff

Episode 27 – May 2015

Kito and Daniel are joined by special guest Seb Rose (co-author of The Cucumber for Java Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers). They discuss new releases from Polymer, ICEfaces, PrimeFaces,  JBoss EAP, SonarCube, Pitest, IntelliJ IDEA, Serenity, and more. They also discuss Behavior-driven-testing (BDD), Cucumber, Geb, Spock, and Test-Driven Development (TDD).

UI Tier

AngularFaces 2.1.3 has been released!

Polymer 0.8 Release

ICEfaces EE 4.0.0.GA  

Includes ICEfaces Mobile Device Simulator

ICEpdf 5.1.2: Now With Enhanced Asian Font Capabilities

PrimeFaces Sentinel 1.2 Released

PrimeFaces 5.2.RC1 Released

Introducing PrimeFaces Spark

Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier

JBossWS 5.0.0.Final is available!

JBoss EAP 6.4 now available


AeroGear iOS SDK v2.3 is out!


SonarQube 5.1 released  –

Pitest 1.1.5 released  –

Sonar Pitest Plugin 0.5 released  –

JOSRA Git Automated Branching Strategy & Jenkins Plugin  –

IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 released  – decompiler with extended debugging facilities

Gherkin 3 development continues  –!msg/cukes/YLKsqbBMBoI/DYhfFx8GBegJ

Serenity 1.0.47 released  better Cucumber integration –


Testing with Cucumber and comparison to Geb and Spock – [Cucumber is a collaboration tool –]

Teaching TDD with CyberDojo –

  1. What’s coverage good for? A. Killing mutants efficiently.


No Fluff Just Stuff


Claysnow Limited (Seb Rose’s company)

Liz Keogh’s blog

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests – book by Freeman/Pryce
