Episode 28 – Jul 2015
Kito and Daniel discuss new releases from PrimeFaces, OpenWebBeans, DeltaSpike, Spring Boot, Polymer, AngularJS, WebAssembly, Play, Lucene, new JSF extensions, and more. They also discuss Microsoft’s open-source strategy and Visual Studio Code.
Keep up with the alphabet soup of product names. Check out our technical glossary!
UI Tier
New F12 Developer Tools for the New Microsoft Edge
Liferay Faces Project News – May 2015
AngularJS + CDI = AngularBeans
Web framework: Introducing Juzu version 1.0 and its brand new website
PrimeFaces introduces Rio theme and layout
New Releases for PrimeFaces Layouts
Recent Ripple of JSF Extensions
JSR 378: Portlet 3.0 Bridge for JavaServerTM Faces 2.2 Specification
WebAssembly: A Universal Binary and Text Format for the Web
Play 2.4.0 “Damiya” released, adds new DI support and test APIs
Persistence Tier
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Lucene 5.2.0 released
Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier
Oracle Developer Cloud Service 15.2.2 Released
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 GA released
[ANN] End of life for Apache Tomcat 6.0.x
[ANNOUNCEMENT] HttpComponents Client 4.5 GA Released
[ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenWebBeans 1.6.0
[ANNOUNCE] Release of Apache DeltaSpike 1.4.0
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Flume 1.6.0 released
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Calcite 1.3.0 (incubating) released
[ANNOUNCE] Commons Email version 1.4 released
JavaEE or Spring? Neither! We Call Out For a Fresh Competitor!
Visual Studio Code, and Microsoft OSS will it affect Java Enterprise ?
- Javazone, Oslo – September 9-10, 2015
No Fluff Just Stuff
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